Electronics have a beautiful tradition of acquiring infuriatingly mild glitches and technical hiccups that we can trace back to their origin. The names on the product and the technical problems have changed, but the throbbing in humanity’s temples persists to this very day!
For the several million people who have purchased Airpods, this comes in the form of an Airpod connecting at random while in the case.
Oftentimes when we search for a solution to a tech issue we have to skim through pages of the same four solutions that never quite seem to work. Typically this can be fixed with an update, resetting the device, and a few other very simplistic answers.
Whether you need little more than a power cycle or an entirely new device, we will tell you how to take care of it!
In this article, we are going to concisely list every solution to this pesky problem descending from the easiest solutions to the more unique ones. If none of the fixes can get your Airpods back into working order – we will also go over how to get a replacement sent out.
How to Fix Connected Airpods In Case
Some of the more focused solutions in this list may feel unique to this problem, though a lot of the information offered should be regularly maintained. If you want to avoid glitches and issues with your electronics, you should follow some of the more obvious maintenance fixes.
Airpods should stay regularly updated, be routinely cleaned, and be disconnected from other devices when not in use.
As weird as it may sound, you will want your device to be fully charged and up-to-date to make sure these solutions go by quickly. You can ignore this step — it will just cause a lot more of a wait on your end as you work through the solutions.
The solutions should be followed in order to get the best possible results.
This isn’t the writer having a weird power trip, promise. It’s due to several of the listed answers having multiple fixes packaged under one solution for the sake of efficiency.
If you get to the end of these steps and the problem persists, we will discuss actions to take to get your Airpods fixed, replaced, or refunded.
1 – Update Your Software
There is still a comfortable cluster of folks that spend a lot of time estranged from the cushy web of internet connections that permeate civilized society. If you work outside or live in the quiet solitude of the countryside – it can be hard to find places to update your Airpods. This is tough, as falling behind on updates can be the precursor to several incompatibility issues and errors.
If your AirPods don’t get regular firmware updates (as they are released) it can cause bugs like the one you are currently contending with. This can translate to connection issues later on and even slower performance. If you don’t have easy access to the internet, you can utilize coffee shops and libraries for mobile devices or laptops.
Even if this isn’t the cause of the issue for your device specifically – it can fix a lot of buggy nonsense down the road and will help in later solutions. Firmware updates will install automatically once your Airpods have a connection with an iOS and/or Apple device with a working internet connection. If your iOS device is not currently updated, you may have to update it as well.
If your mobile phone isn’t fully up to date, pairing with it can also cause issues down the line. For the sake of avoiding issues like these in the future, it would benefit folks to keep their tech up to date as often as they can afford to.
2 – Reboot Paired Device/Remove Airpods on Your Device
The biggest (and perhaps most understandable) mistake someone can make when their Airpods start acting every type of awful is to assume the issue stems from the Airpods. It makes sense, they are the ones connecting to a device, so aren’t they the culprit?
Well, possibly not.
Restarting your preferred device like an iPhone or iPad can often fix the problem indefinitely. To make sure all boxes are checked off, remove your Airpods from the list of devices. Simply press the “i” button to the right of your Airpods and select forget device.
After you remove your Airpods from your device, you can go ahead and restart. When the device boots back up, connect the device to your Airpods and see if the problem persists.
If the Airpods are still connecting while snug in their case then you may have to look at other solutions. If you have followed these solutions in order and updated your phone, it more than likely is not behind the connection glitch. Outside of Bluetooth tweaks, the rest of the solutions will be primarily focused on Airpod errors.
3 – Reboot Airpods
If one side of this Bluetooth partnership isn’t at fault, let’s start turning our gaze toward the Airpods. As usual with anything electronic, the best move is to restart the device and hope for the best.
The process can be completed very quickly and will require little more than the Airpods and their charging case.
- Insert the Airpods into the charging case and keep the top of the case propped open.
- There is a circular button on the back of your Airpod case called the setup button – hold it for fifteen seconds.
- The encircling light will change from yellowish-orange to white.
- You can now close the top of the lid. Your Airpods have been reset.
While it may take some time before you can confirm if this worked or not, don’t move on until you are sure the Airpods are working. This may feel like it fixed the problem but several users have reported that the issue did eventually continue – even if it seemed back to normal initially.
If a good amount of time has passed and you still don’t have any issues, congratulations! If you are still contemplating seeing how far you can throw your Airpods, continue to solution number four.
4 – Airpods Auto-Connect When Fully Charged
If your Airpods are not charged to full or close to it, charge the Airpods and come back.
Something to pay attention to the next time your Airpods connect while in the case is the battery. If it has a full charge then you may need to start removing it once they are completely charged.
For whatever reason, sometimes when the battery of our Airpods is fully charged it can trigger an automatic disconnect from the charging port. This can cause the Airpods to start pairing, which will result in it connecting to the last connected device.
While there is no concrete solution to this issue, it can usually be resolved by following the other steps. The reason this is posted as a solution is that by diagnosing the cause you can take steps to lessen the monotonous audio alert.
In the meantime, the best way to lessen the connection is to remove the AirPods prior to them becoming fully charged. You can also shut off Bluetooth on your paired device so it doesn’t connect when you aren’t using the Apple earbuds.
*Additionally, when your charging case is fully drained to 0% battery, your Airpods may experience a similar issue. Because the Airpods stop charging when the case runs out of juice, the Airpods “think” they are fully charged, thus they try to enter pairing mode. To avoid this issue, make sure your charging case isn’t out of battery.
5 – Turn off Device Bluetooth When Not In Use
While it isn’t observably harmful to keep Bluetooth on, it can help keep your AirPods from connecting if they have nothing to pair to. To be clear, we are talking specifically about devices that can pair with the Airpods. If the Airpods decide they wanna start pairing, you don’t have to worry about your phone’s Spotify playlist jumping to life while you sleep.
While it may have once held some weight that keeping Bluetooth on could drain your battery, this is less of a concern nowadays. The only real point of this is to avoid the involuntary audio announcement that your Airpods are ready to rock – but it does keep them in line. If solution number two helped you figure out your issue, this will likely be your most obvious solution until Apple is able to resolve this glitch.
6 – The Airpods or Charging Case is Dirty
Everyone is familiar with the charging cable that has to be slightly pinched in the middle of the cord with the end being inserted at a diagonal angle to keep a steady charge. These chargers are plagued with a weak or inconsistent connection – something that is also possible with charging cases.
When talking specifically about charging cases, this is a result of accumulated dust, dirt, gunk, soot, and whatever else is in the air around you. This is relatively common across all in-ear audio equipment and can be handled inexpensively with household items and some free time. The cleaning process should be done with non-abrasive materials and your main target is the charging ports found inside the case.
You can also check the charging cable port on the outside of the case – though this is less likely to be as dirty. If you feel that the connection on your charging case is weak but don’t notice any obstructions, it may be worth trying other cords. Whether this is the solution to your problem or not, it is important to try and clean your earbuds once a week. Not only will this prevent things like infections, but it will also keep the earbuds in use for quite a while longer.
7 – Check That Case is Firmly Shut
This solution is straying well below the rest of these answers for one reason, it is fairly obvious. Most people can likely see if their case is closed, but in the interest of listing all possible issues – it felt relevant. If you haven’t checked or feel like your Airpods are not recognizing that the lid is down, look for any visible obstructions.
This is one of the more uncommon fixes and if you have made it this far without a solution, things are admittedly a bit grim. After examining the perimeter of the lid, close it and see if the issue continues. If not, we have run out of immediate solutions to fix your Airpods. Thankfully, there are options outside of immediately fixing the product.
How To Get Airpods Fixed, Replaced, or Refunded
Money doesn’t grow on trees and Apple products do not often sit on the bottom shelf of your local electronics department. If this recurring problem feels like more trouble than it is worth, it is important to know what your options are when it comes to AirPods specifically.
The upside to being underneath the stylish grey Apple umbrella is they offer several options for repairs including third-party products and repair shops.
Contact Support
This is something most of us have read before and rolled our eyes at, but it is offered by companies for a reason. If you have utilized all the solutions listed above and still haven’t gotten any closer to peace of mind, it’s time to get a second look. Try to explain exactly what the issue with your device is along with any information that may be relevant to the Apple representative.
They will either be able to pinpoint the issue more accurately or even ask you to send the product in. Just be wary that what they tell you might be sincerely disappointing, as many of the older models of Airpods are nearing their natural lifecycle. Should you find the interaction with Apple unproductive, look towards some of the other options below to help you move forward.
Check The Warranty or Purchase Replacement Parts
While the wording may be deceptively confusing, Apple offers a one-year warranty that allows for defective products to be serviced or even potentially replaced for free. It is really important that you didn’t give in to the urge to toss your AirPods – physical damage caused by consumer negligence (or abuse in this case) will not be replaced.
Should the warranty be expired, you can also purchase replacement parts from Apple individually for a fairly steep fee. The cost for replacement Airpods is $69 per earbud and $59 for a new charging case. If you are using the upgraded Airpod Pro, the earbuds are $89 per bud and $99 for the case.
Go To A Repair Shop
There are a lot of smart people with a knack for tinkering a lot closer than most of us realize. For costs that would probably surprise you, Apple devices can be repaired not only by Apple but by most local repair shops as well. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t get your device repaired by an Apple technician, just shop around.
A lot of times simply calling up a shop, explaining your issue, and getting an estimate can be incredibly quick. It also opens up the potential for you to compare the prices of competitors in your area. If they diagnose the issue and it turns out to be your charging case is defective, you can also look into Airpod-compatible cases.
Replace Defective Case
If you have decided to throw the charging case under the bus for this glitch, it’s important to know that you do not have to immediately bite the bullet on a replacement Apple case. Several companies make charging cases specifically for Airpods so you can get a cheaper or more visually pleasing case.
You can also shop around on sites like Amazon or eBay for used parts but do so at your discretion. It would be an unbelievable punch to the gut to replace your broken Apple charging case with a similarly defective case. With that said, you can likely get parts at a discounted price if you need the cost cut down a bit.
Understanding the Underlying Bluetooth Technology
To truly comprehend the intricacies of the issues we face with our AirPods, it can be helpful to understand the technology that drives them. At the heart of the AirPods’ connection problems lies Bluetooth, a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances.
Bluetooth works through a process called “pairing,” where two devices recognize each other and connect. When you put your AirPods in their case, they should disconnect from your device; when you take them out, they should reconnect automatically. If this process fails, it may cause the hiccups like your AirPods connecting at random while still in the case.
Bluetooth technology operates on 2.4 GHz ISM band, an unlicensed spectrum shared by many devices including microwaves and Wi-Fi routers. It uses a technique called frequency hopping spread spectrum to minimize interference. This method involves rapidly switching among 79 random channels within this band, 1,600 times per second.
Despite its sophistication, Bluetooth isn’t flawless. Interference from other devices, physical barriers, and distance can all affect its performance. Knowing how Bluetooth works will not only help you appreciate the technological marvel in your ears, but also better understand the causes of connection issues and how to prevent them.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Airpods Glitches
While understanding how to fix these Airpod glitches is crucial, it’s equally important to know how to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place. Here are some preventive measures you can take to ensure your AirPods function smoothly:
1 – Keep your devices up-to-date: Always ensure that your Airpods, as well as the devices they’re connected to, are updated with the latest software. This helps keep them in sync and eliminates potential compatibility issues.
2 – Regular cleaning: Keep your AirPods and the charging case clean. Regular cleaning can help prevent dust or debris from interfering with the charging and connection process. However, be careful to use appropriate cleaning materials that won’t damage your AirPods or charging case.
3 – Avoid overcharging: Charging your AirPods correctly can help increase their lifespan and avoid glitches. Aim to keep your Airpods’ battery level between 20% and 80% to promote battery health.
4 – Proper storage: When not in use, ensure your Airpods are stored in the charging case. This not only keeps them protected but also prevents them from automatically connecting to devices when you’re not using them.
5 – Monitor battery level: Keep an eye on the battery level of both your Airpods and the charging case. A dead battery in the charging case might give your Airpods false signals, leading to connection issues.
Following these preventive measures can help you avoid experiencing common Airpod glitches. However, keep in mind that like any electronic device, Airpods can still experience issues, even with the best care. Always contact Apple support or a reliable technician if you’re unsure how to handle a particular problem.
Apple has become synonymous with quality and ingenuity, though its products are just as prone to issues as any company. This can prove very frustrating for Apple fans as the cost of the devices is often a good bit more than their competitors. This is counterbalanced by the fact that Apple is so iconic that their products can afford to be more exclusive and a good bit higher in price.
Don’t let these minor issues discourage you, the world is a kind place for a consumer looking to mend a wounded Apple device. It also offers a good amount of alternatives, should you desire one.
If you need further solutions to tech issues or concerns regarding Apple products, we have several that cover just about everything on Swift Moves!
Why do my AirPods keep disconnecting and reconnecting?
There could be several reasons for this. The most common cause is interference with the Bluetooth connection. This could be from other devices, physical barriers, or even your own body (our bodies are mostly water, and water absorbs Bluetooth signals). It could also be due to outdated firmware, a low battery, or the device being too far from the AirPods.
How do I clean my AirPods safely to avoid damaging them?
To clean your AirPods safely, avoid using any liquids or abrasive materials. Instead, use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. For stubborn debris in the speakers or charging case, you can use a dry, soft-bristled brush. Remember to remove your AirPods from the case before cleaning the case itself.
What is the lifespan of AirPods? How long should they last before needing replacement?
The lifespan of AirPods depends largely on usage and maintenance, but in general, they are designed to last for about two to three years of regular use. The lithium-ion batteries inside AirPods will slowly degrade over time, and after a few years, they may not hold a charge as well as when new. At this point, you may want to consider a battery replacement or upgrade to a new pair.