Honeywell Thermostat Screen Not Working: [How to Fix]

Are you facing an issue with your Honeywell thermostat, where the screen has gone blank or non-functional? You’ve come to the right place. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, troubleshooting, and resolving this common issue.

Quick Summary

In case you’re in a rush, here’s a quick rundown of the crucial steps we’ll be discussing in depth:

  • Ensure power connectivity: Verify that the device is properly powered, whether from your home’s power supply or a battery.
  • Inspect for physical damage: A non-responsive thermostat could be a result of physical harm, such as damage to the touch screen or buttons.
  • Give the thermostat a reset: Often, a simple reset can bring your device back to normal.
  • Check your HVAC system: Sometimes, the issue isn’t your thermostat but lies within your HVAC system.
  • Contact Honeywell customer support: If all else fails, reaching out to Honeywell’s professional customer support team is your best bet.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of these troubleshooting steps.

Checking the Power Source

One of the most basic and initial checks you can perform when your Honeywell thermostat screen goes blank is to make sure it’s receiving power. A power loss to the device could be due to a variety of reasons, including a tripped circuit breaker or a drained battery. Here’s how to address these potential issues:

  1. Check your circuit breaker: Locate your home’s circuit breaker box and check if the breaker connected to your thermostat has tripped. If it has, flip it back to the ‘on’ position and check your thermostat again.
  2. Inspect the battery (if applicable): If your thermostat runs on a battery, it’s possible the battery has run low or is dead. Replace it with a new one and see if this brings your thermostat screen back to life.

Assessing for Physical Damage

Once you’ve confirmed that your Honeywell thermostat is adequately powered, the next step involves inspecting the device for physical signs of damage. The screen, being the primary user interface, could have suffered from several potential issues such as cracks, smudges, or debris.

  1. Screen Damage: A damaged screen can be the cause of non-responsiveness. Cracks on the screen or non-functional buttons could render your thermostat useless.
  2. Cleaning the Screen: Sometimes, a simple clean can do the trick. Use a soft cloth to wipe the screen and applicable buttons, removing any dust or smudges.

Resetting Your Thermostat

At times, a thermostat may malfunction due to software glitches. In such cases, a simple reset can be a quick and efficient solution.

  1. Locate the Reset Option: Depending on your model, the reset option is usually found under the settings menu. Since your screen isn’t working, you will need to use shortcut buttons to trigger a reset, instead. Consult your user manual (or a quick Google search) for the exact button combination needed to reset your thermostat model.
  2. Perform the Reset: Carry out the reset as instructed in the manual. Give the thermostat a few minutes to reboot. If your screen is functioning as expected after the reboot, the issue has been resolved.

Investigating Your HVAC System

After having exhausted the above steps, it’s time to shift your focus to your HVAC system. The problem you’re experiencing may not be isolated to your thermostat but might be a symptom of a larger issue with your HVAC system.

  1. Switch Thermostats: To identify whether the fault lies in your thermostat or HVAC system, try swapping out your thermostat with another one. If the issue persists, it’s likely an HVAC system problem.
  2. Identify HVAC System Issues: Look for other signs that your HVAC system may be malfunctioning. This could be inconsistent temperatures, odd noises, unusual smells, or the system frequently turning on and off.

Reaching Out to Honeywell Support

When all else fails, and you’re still experiencing issues with your Honeywell thermostat, it’s time to call in the professionals. Honeywell’s customer support team can guide you through more advanced troubleshooting steps or help you determine if your device needs repair or replacement.

Final Thoughts

A non-responsive screen on your Honeywell thermostat can cause quite a bit of frustration, especially if you’re dependent on it for controlling your home’s temperature. Thankfully, most issues can be resolved using the steps provided above.

Whether it’s checking the power source, inspecting the thermostat for physical damage, resetting the device, investigating your HVAC system, or reaching out to professional support, there’s usually a way to get your thermostat back up and running.


1. My Honeywell thermostat is still under warranty. What should I do? If your device is still under warranty and you’re experiencing issues, reach out to Honeywell customer support. They can guide you through the warranty claim process and get your thermostat back in working order.

2. Can I replace my Honeywell thermostat on my own? Yes, it’s possible to replace your thermostat on your own. However, it involves dealing with wiring, which can be tricky. If you’re uncomfortable with this process, it’s advisable to hire a professional for the job.

3. What are some signs that my HVAC system might be malfunctioning? Inconsistent temperature regulation, unusual noises, foul odors, and frequent cycling (the system turning on and off repeatedly) are common signs of a malfunctioning HVAC system. If you observe these along with your thermostat issues, it would be wise to get a professional to inspect your HVAC system.